Public transportation
Download the travel app Reis Nordland on your mobile phone to find routes and tickets for buses, boats and ferries in Nordland county. Here you can use the same mobile app for public transportation in Mo i Rana, and to explore the beautiful region of Helgeland.
Download the ticket app Billett Nordland on your mobile phone to pay electronically for public transportation. Here you can use the same mobile app for public transportation in Mo i Rana, and in the Helgeland region.
It is very popular to use express boat when you want to explore the Helgeland region. It is recommended to buy tickets in advance before departure online to ensure seats but you can buy them directly on boats too.
You can travel as much as you want with Travel Pass Nordland within seven days by using buses and boats for a good price. Buy Travel Pass Nordland online by paying electronically and enjoy your travel time in Nordland.
Private transportation
Here you can find suggestions for a cycling holiday made by Visit Helgeland in the region of Helgeland. It is recommended to try out cycling in Mo i Rana during summer time, since it is great cycling roads in the city.
Go out on a trip to explore the Rana region and Helgeland region. We encourage locals and newcomers to explore the place by foot for the sake of the environment and health benefits.
Check out the Driving Guide to Visit Norway to read and learn about driving in Norway.
Go to the official website to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens Vegvesen) to find information about driving licences, custom regulations, and cars and vehicles in Norway.
Go to the official website to Rana municipality to read and learn about parking in Rana.
Publisert 19.07.2023 22:55
Sist endret 16.09.2024 11:43