Norwegian identification number
You will need a Norwegian identification number to get Electronic ID (e-ID) to access public services. There are two types of identification numbers: D – number (temporary) and national identity number (permanent).
Go to Skatteetaten) to learn more about Norwegian identification number.
Electronic ID
Electronic ID (e- ID) is a digital tool you use to confirm your identity when you want to access public services online. It is a digital tool you use to log in online and find personalized information when using public services from the Norwegian state and Rana municipality.
Go to to learn about Electronic ID (e-ID) and digital services.
Go to the Norwegian Digitalization Agency (Digdir) to learn about how you can obtain an Electronic ID.
Digital services
When you have acquired yourself an Electronic ID, you will have access to digital services. Digital services are connected to the public services from the Norwegian state and Rana municipality. In this page, you can learn about important digital services in Norway.
My Tax
With Electronic ID (e – ID) you can access and control your own tax online through the Norwegian Tax Administration Office (Skatteetaten).
Go to my page to learn about my tax.
Altinn is a platform which provides personalized information about your tax and duties, which is connected to the Norwegian Population Registry (Folkeregisteret), and other public registries. Here you will also find information guidance about financial requirements for businesses and organizations in Norway.
Go to the official website to Altinn to learn about it.
Digital mailboxes
It is common for Norwegian authorities to use digital mailboxes instead of paper mail when communicating with their own citizens. With Electronic ID you will have access to your own digital mailbox, where you can choose between two types of digital mailboxes: Digipost and e-Boks. Both are secure and private containing personal information, messages, and documents when communicating with the Norwegian authorities.
Go to the official website to read about how you choose a digital mailbox.
You will need Electronic ID to access and to use healthcare services in Norway. This includes the official healthcare service tool Go to the official guide to learn about logging in to
Rana municipality
You will need Electronic ID to access and use services in Rana municipality. This includes all types of public services which is in the responsibility to the municipality.
Publisert 21.07.2023 12:23
Sist endret 16.09.2024 11:06