Visit The Information Hub 

Do you need information and guidance tailored to your relocation and settlement journey in Mo i Rana? Visit the Information Hub!


Velkomsttilbud er tilgjengelig for dem som har flyttet til Rana kommune i året 2024 hvor man kan motta dette tilbudet med fremvisning av flyttemelding til Rana kommune enten på papir eller digitalt på Innbyggertorget i Rana bibliotek. Velkomsttilbud gjelder per person og barnefamilier, og gjelder dem som har flyttet til Rana på grunn av jobb, studier og familie i året 2024. Velkomsttilbud inneholder varierte tilbud fra ulike steder i byen, slik som kino, teater, gym, museum, og mye mer, hvor man kan velge seg ut et enkelt tilbud. Noen tilbud er sesongbasert, mens andre tilbud gjelder hele året. Utvalgt tilbud kan bare brukes en gang per person og familie, og gjelder flytting innad Norge, fra en annen norsk kommune til Rana kommune. 

Ønsker du å melde flytting til Rana kommune? 

Hvis du enda ikke har meldt flytting til Rana kommune, så kan du gjøre dette via Folkeregisteret på Skatteetaten sin nettside. Du kan enten sende flyttemelding via posten, eller gjøre dette elektronisk via Folkeregisteret. 

Welcome offers to international newcomers 

We are currently working on a special welcome offer to international newcomers in another project, where we ask for patience while we finish it, and it will be updated when it is ready for you. More information about it will be updated soon. 

In the meantime, remember to register your move to Norway, if you haven't done it yet. 

Register your move to Norway online by using the official Foreign website to the Norwegian Tax Administration.  


Ambassador Network 

Would you like to share your experiences of moving to Mo i Rana? Are you interested in expanding your social network? 

An ambassador or representative serves as a contact person for the Information Hub within the company, business or organization. An ambassador is open to sharing their experiences of relocating and settling in Rana Municipality in the ambassador network. The ambassador network is created to provide newcomers with a social environment where they can share information and knowledge with each other through social meetings!

Become an ambassador for The Information Hub!


Welcome Guides 

Welcome Guides are relocation and settlement guides containing tailored information and guidance to international newcomers. You will find the following topics in the Welcome Guides: Relocation (Visa, registration, police, tax, and bank), Housing (renting, owning and building), Transportation (public and private transportation including driving in Norway), Education (kindergarten, school and higher education), healthcare (structure and system), and career (labor market, how to get a job, and recognition of foreign education). Welcome guides are made for international newcomers who have recently moved from abroad to Norway, specifically Rana Municipality!

Download Welcome Guides here.